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Polyvagal Training Expert, Trauma Trainings, Ruby Jo Walker, LCSW

2024-25 TRAININGS:

SWTT Trauma Trainings

Polyvagal Training Expert, Trauma Trainings, Ruby Jo Walker, LCSW

Neurobiology trainings build understanding and compassion for human experience

Trauma Trainings



These trainings  will use the lens of the nervous system, specifically Polyvagal Theory, to aid in the process of trauma recovery. Participants will gain a better understanding of trauma and practice skills to enhance their effectiveness in supporting individuals with trauma. The class will provide a safe and supportive environment to model this approach.


Fawning and Appeasement

The Unmothered Child: Applying Neurobiology for Resilience – Coming Soon, Spring of 2025


While the trauma-response term of flight-flight-freeze has been readily recognized in both professional and layperson circles, the concepts of fawning (or placating) and appeasement are being seen as adaptive trauma responses also. This training will explain how fawning (or placating) and appeasement are connected to biological drives to stay safe; it will also cover their differences. These survival adaptations are not just seen in domestic violence and sexual assault, but they are also present in non-abuse situations and can be related to developmental wounding.  


Using the lens of Polyvagal Theory (the nervous system) this training will describe the neurobiology of both these trauma adaptations, and it will offer strategies to identify and support new options to move a client into their authentic self, or essence. Effectively supporting clients, including victims/survivors with a deeper understanding of these adaptations is critical as it empowers and restores agency. This information is cutting-edge, and mini-workshops on this topic have been presented at National Trauma Training Conferences for victim service providers. 

Ruby Jo is truly a master of her profession, but more importantly, she presents this workshop in a way that is easily digestible...I work with survivors of domestic violence, and I was so excited to take what I learned and utilize it with my survivors. The practices throughout the workshop were so helpful and really helped me prepare myself for using these new tools in the real world. This was my first workshop presented by Ruby Jo, and I cannot wait to attend another one. 
Liza Williams 
Diversity and Equity Advocate
Alternative Horizons Corp.

What I appreciate most about this training is the degree of nuance and expertise that Ruby Jo brings to her teachings about the nervous system. Understanding the differences between Appeasement and Fawning//Placating, and the way that power dynamics influence how we respond to trauma, is essential when working with survivors. Getting to witness Ruby Jo demonstrate her unique, and highly effective skill set has increased my competency greatly and I am walking away with the knowledge and tools necessary to help people connect with their authentic yes’s and no’s, set boundaries, and restore their sense of self. I strongly recommend this training to anyone interested in healing from trauma because I have yet to find any modality more effective and life-changing than this one."
 Megan McCartney, LCSW

“Even after completing the foundational PTG certification, learning the nuances of appeasement and fawning (or placating) brought so much clarity to the grey area I feel with clients, especially for those who’ve struggled to feel their power in relationships. I was able to bring this new context and interventions into my practice that same week and saw some immediate movement not only in a few clients, but also in myself. It’s helping me improve my own boundaries while still holding love for clients’ journeys, yet without attachment. I know this is going to help sustain my own health in this work.”

Joel Berdie, LSW
I attended the Beyond Fight/Flight/Freeze: The Neurobiology of Fawning and Appeasement training presented by Ruby Jo Walker in November 2024. I completed the training with new inspiration, new insights, and a changed approach to my work with trauma.  Her training clarified to me the importance of the therapist steering toward regulation and deactivation of the nervous system. In her training, Ruby Jo utilized clear and available language to explain applied polyvagal theory, as well as practical demonstrations to embody the practice. I highly recommend her as an expert somatic practitioner and an authentic, engaging teacher. 
Mariko Ketchin, LCSW 



Coming Soon Spring of 2025

This workshop is for anyone who has experienced the loss of a mother or parent. Such a loss can have a significant impact on various aspects of one's life, including self-perception and attention to personal needs. This workshop will combine experiential and didactic approaches to help participants understand the effects of this type of early loss. it will also support the development of resilience and skills for greater agency, regulation, and improved quality of life. This training will use the lens of Polyvagal Theory and Neurobiology for greater effectiveness and change. 
Information coming soon. 

"Ruby Jo presents with competence, love, and sincerity. I continue to be impressed by her wealth of knowledge."

– Emily Riggs, BS, student at CSU Masters’ of Social Work;
Community Resource Specialist at Axis Health System, Durango, CO


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